

Department of Physical Education

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

RAC Meeting Notice to be held on 04.02.2025, 05.02.2025 and 06.02.2025 of the Research Scholars for their Research Work done w.e.f. 1st July, 2024 to 31st December, 2024 at 3:00 P.M. Onwards

RAC Meeting Notice to be held on 04.02.2025, 05.02.2025 and 06.02.2025 of the Research Scholars for their Research Work done w.e.f. 1st July, 2024 to 31st December, 2024 at 3:00 P.M. Onwards

Click here to view: RAC Meeting Notice to be held on 04.02.2025, 05.02.2025 and 06.02.2025 of the Research Scholars for their Research Work done w.e.f. 1st July, 2024 to 31st December, 2024 at 3:00 P.M. Onwards

  Dated: 30/01/2025
1. 19/02/2025Notice Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Anjali, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 19.02.2025 at 11:30 A.M. through Online Mode
2. 13/01/2025Time Table for the Session 2024-25 (2nd & 4th Semester)
3. 11/12/2024Notice Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Gurpreet Kaur, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 13.12.2024 at 03:30 P.M.
4. 11/12/2024Notice Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Heena, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 13.12.2024 at 12:30 P.M.
5. 11/09/2024Notice Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Sohit Verma, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 13.09.2024 at 11:30 A.M.
6. 11/09/2024Notice for Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Sarita Devi, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 20.09.2024 at 11:00 A.M.
7. 11/09/2024Notice for Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Jatinder Kumar, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 11.09.2024 at 3:30 P.M.
8. 16/08/2024Notice Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of the Candidate Mr. Anurag Choudhary, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 29.08.2024 at 12:45 P.M.
9. 16/08/2024Notice Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of the Candidate Ms. Ramandeep Kaur, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 23.08.2024 at 12:00 Noon
10. 16/08/2024Notice Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of the Candidate Mr. Amit Chhikara, Ph.D. Scholar to be held on 19.08.2024 at 11:30 A.M.
11. 10/08/2024Provisional Admission List of B.P.Ed. (1st Semester), Department of Physical Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh for the Academic Session 2024-25.
12. 10/08/2024Provisional Admission List of M.P.Ed. (1st Semester), Department of Physical Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh for the Academic Session 2024-25.
13. 01/08/2024Advertisement Notice for Appointment of Guest Faculty in the Department of Physical Education, PU. Chandigarh for the Academic Session 2024-25
14. 22/07/2024Notice Regarding Physical Efficiency Test/Certificate Verification to be held on 26.07.2024
15. 18/04/2024Pre-Ph.D. Course Work Date Sheet May-2024
16. 20/03/2024RAC Meeting Notice to be held on 01.04.2024, 02.04.2024 and 03.04.2024 of the Research Scholars for their Research Work done w.e.f. 1st July, 2023 to 31st December, 2023.
17. 28/02/2024Online Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Vishwajeet to be held on 29.02.2024 at 3:30 P.M. Onwards
20. 29/07/2023Tentative Merit List for the Session 2023-24-M.P.Ed. 1st Semester
21. 29/07/2023Tentative Merit List for the Session 2023-24-B.P.Ed. 1st Semester
22. 18/07/2023Physical Efficieny Test/Document Verification Notice for Admission to B.P.Ed. and M.P.Ed. 1st Semester for the Academic Session 2023-24
23. 05/07/2023Admisssions Brochure for the Session: 2023-2024
24. 13/06/2023Admission Notice for the Academic Session 2023-24
25. 13/04/2023Pre-Ph.D. Course Work Date Sheet May-2023
26. 06/02/2023Interview Schedule for Admission to Ph.D. Course -2022-23
27. 06/02/2023Report on EduSports Orientation Session for Placement held on 01.02.2023
28. 06/02/2023EduSports Orientation Session for Placement held on 01.02.2023
29. 25/01/2023RAC Meeting Notice to be held on 06.02.2023, 07.02.2023 and 08.02.2023 of the Research Scholars for their Research Work done w.e.f. 1st July, 2022 to 31st December, 2022.
30. 17/01/2023Placement Brochure -2022-23 (Physical Education)
31. 07/11/2022Notice for Inviting Applications for Appointment of Guest Faculty for the Academic Session-2022-23
32. 26/09/2022Provisional Admission List for Admission to B.P.Ed. (1st Semester) for the Academic Session 2022-23
33. 26/09/2022Provisional Admission List for Admission to M.P.Ed. (1st Semester) for the Academic Session 2022-23
34. 12/09/2022Revised Notice: - RAC Meeting on 13.09.2022, 14.09.2022 and 15.09.2022 of the Research Scholars for their Research Work done w.e.f. 1st January 2022 to 30th June 2022
35. 09/09/2022Tentative Admission schedule for PG Courses for the session 2022-2023
36. 07/09/2022RAC Meeting on 13.09.2022, 14.09.2022 and 15.09.2022 of the Research Scholars for their Research Work done w.e.f. 1st January 2022 to 30th June 2022
37. 31/08/2022Physical Efficiency Test for Admission to B.P.Ed. & M.P.Ed. (1st Semester) on 07.09.2022
38. 04/07/2022Student Feedback Data-2019-20
39. 04/07/2022Student Feedback Analysis-2021-22
40. 04/07/2022Student Feedback Report-2020-21
41. 17/05/2022Notice for Appointment of Guest Faculty in the Department of Physical Education, PU. Chandigarh
42. 05/10/2021Regarding Auction of Write off old Material
43. 20/09/2021Selected Candidates for Admission to M.P.Ed. 1st Semester for the Session 2021-22
44. 20/09/2021Selected Candidates for Admission to B.P.Ed. 1st Semester for the Session 2021-22
45. 15/09/2021Provisional Merit List for Admission to M.P.Ed. 1st Semester for the Session 2021-22
46. 15/09/2021Provisional Merit List for Admission to B.P.Ed. 1st Semester for the Session 2021-22
47. 11/09/2021Physical Efficiency Test and Interview/Admission Schedule for B.P.Ed. and M.P.Ed. 1st Semester-2021-22 on 13.09.2021
48. 06/09/2021Notice- Admission/Counseling Schedule for admission to M.P.Ed. 1st Semester -2021
49. 26/08/2021Physical Efficiency Test and Interview/Admission Schedule for B.P.Ed. and M.P.Ed. 1st Semester-2021-22
50. 21/08/2021Notice-Postponement of Physical Efficiency Test and interview/counseling
51. 20/08/2021Physical Efficiency Test and Interview/Admission Schedule for B.P.Ed. and M.P.Ed. 1st Semester-2021-22-Updated
52. 16/08/2021Physical Efficiency Test and Interview/Admission Schedule for B.P.Ed. and M.P.Ed. 1st Semester-2021-22
53. 09/06/2021Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Nusrat Dilawar on 11.06.2021 at 11:00 A.M.
54. 09/06/2021Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Jaspreet Kashyap on 11.06.2021 at 12.30 P.M.
55. 04/03/2021Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Devender Kumar on 05.03.2021 at 11.30 A.M.
56. 18/02/2021The Online Viva Voce Examination for Ph.D. of Ms. Neeraj on 22.02.2021 at 3:00 P.M.
57. 18/02/2021The Online Viva Voce Examination for Ph.D. of Mr. Sachin Kumar on 19.02.2021 at 3:00 P.M.
58. 08/02/2021The Online Viva Voce Examination for Ph.D. of Ms. Navneet Kaur on 10.02.2021 at 2:30 P.M.
59. 08/02/2021The Online Viva Voce Examination for Ph.D. of Mr. Anuj Vohra on 09.02.2021 at 2:30 P.M.
60. 01/02/2021Postponment of Interview Schedule for the Appointment of Guest Faculty fixed for 02.02.2021 at 11:30 A.M.
61. 21/01/2021Notice for Appointment of Guest Faculty in the Department of Physical Education, PU. Chandigarh
62. 08/01/2021Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Prachi Malik on 08.01.2021 at 2.30 P.M.
63. 06/11/2020List of the Selected Candidates alongwith Waiting List of M.P.Ed. 1st Semester for the Session 2020-21
64. 06/11/2020List of the Selected Candidates alongwith the Waiting List of B.P.Ed. 1st Semester for the Session 2020-21
65. 09/03/2020Brochure For National Workshop On "DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH TOOLS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION" from March 20th -25th , 2020
66. 06/03/2020Six Days National Workshop w.e.f. 2O.O3.2O2O to 25.03.2020 on the Iheme'DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH TOOLS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION'.
67. 11/10/2019Six Monthly Progress Report Performa
68. 11/10/2019Six Monthly Progress Report Performa
69. 11/10/2019RAC Meeting Notice w.e.f. 16.10.19 to 18.10.19
70. 31/07/2019M.P.Ed. Merit List (2019-2020)
71. 30/07/2019B.P.Ed. Merit List (2019-2020)
72. 17/07/2019M.P.Ed. Tantative Merit List (2019-2020)
73. 17/07/2019B.P.Ed. Tentative Merit List (2019-2020)
74. 05/07/2019Regarding Physical Efficiency Test to be held on 23.07.2019
75. 02/07/2019Ongoing classes started on 08.07.2019
76. 08/03/2019Special lecture on 15.03.2019 (Prof. Gurmeet Singh)
77. 20/02/2019Special lecture on 22.02.2019 (Mr. Wemsley W. Okuku)
78. 18/02/2019Special lecture on 01.03.2019 (Dr. Rakesh Khullar)
79. 08/02/2019Regarding appointment of Guest Faculty
80. 04/02/2019Special lecture on 06.02.2019 (Dr. Jagtar Singh Gill)
81. 29/01/2019Special lecture on 30.01.2019 (Dr. Rakesh Kumar)
82. 28/01/2019Result of Pre-Ph.D. Course Work
83. 28/01/2019Special lecture on 30.01.2019 (Postponed)
84. 18/01/2019Special lectures on 21.01.2019 (2)
85. 18/01/2019Special lectures on 21.01.2019
86. 17/11/2018Regarding RAC meeting to be held w.e.f. 03.12.2018 to 05.12.2018
87. 08/08/2018Regarding Pre-Ph.D. Course work started w.e.f. 16.08.2018
88. 02/08/2018Final Merit List of M.P.Ed. 1st Sem
89. 02/08/2018Final Merit List of B.P.Ed. 1st Sem
90. 13/07/2018Revised Physical Efficiency Test/ Counseling to be held on 18.07.2018
91. 06/07/2018Notice for ongoing classes started w.e.f. 09.07.2018
92. 06/07/2018Regarding Physical Efficiency Test to be held on 18.07.2018
93. 27/03/2018Attendance of B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Practical) for the month of February (Session: 2017-2018)
94. 27/03/2018Attendance of B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Theory) for the month of February (Session: 2017-2018)
95. 27/03/2018Attendance of B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (Practical) for the month of February (Session: 2017-2018)
96. 27/03/2018Attendance of B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (Theory) for the month of February (Session: 2017-2018)
97. 27/03/2018Attendance of M.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Practical) for the month of February (Session: 2017-2018)
98. 27/03/2018Attendance of M.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Theory) for the month of February (Session: 2017-2018)
99. 27/03/2018Attendance of M.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (Practical) for the month of February (Session: 2017-2018)
100. 27/03/2018 Attendance of M.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (Theory) for the month of February (Session: 2017-2018)
101. 07/03/2018Regarding Pre-RDC Meeting fixed on 13.03.2018
102. 17/02/2018Attendance of B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Practical) for the month of January (Session: 2017-2018)
103. 17/02/2018Attendance of B.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Theory) for the month of January (Session: 2017-2018)
104. 17/02/2018Attendance of B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (Practical) for the month of January (Session: 2017-2018)
105. 17/02/2018Attendance of B.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (Theory) for the month of January (Session: 2017-2018)
106. 17/02/2018Attendance of M.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Practical) for the month of January (Session: 2017-2018)
107. 17/02/2018Attendance of M.P.Ed. 2nd Sem. (Theory) for the month of January (Session: 2017-2018)
108. 17/02/2018Attendance of M.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (Practical) for the month of January (Session: 2017-2018)
109. 17/02/2018Attendance of M.P.Ed. 4th Sem. (Theory) for the month of January (Session: 2017-2018)
110. 25/01/2018Pre-RDC meeting fixed w.ef. 06.02.2018 and 07.02.2018
111. 16/10/2017Presentation of synopsis before the RDC Meeting to be held on 24.10.2017 & 25.10.2017
112. 12/09/2017List of Approved Publishers
113. 31/05/2017List of approved Publishers
114. 02/05/2017Pre-RDC meeting fixed w.ef. 10.05.2017 to 12.05.2017
115. 02/05/2017RMC meeting fixed w.e.f. 15.05.2017 to 19.05.2017

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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