

Department of Physical Education

About Department of Physical Education


The Department of Physical Education was started in the year of 1963 with M.A in Physical Education. The department has emerged as one of the premier centre of Physical Education in India. It has acquired a prominent status in the country and has earned several distinctions during its existence. The Department offers B.P.Ed. (Two Year), M.P.Ed. (Two Years), M.Phil., Doctoral and Post Doctoral (D. Lit.) programmes and has highly qualified faculty.

In line with the University mission, the Department has the aim of educating the "whole-person" and to produce quality teachers to serve as administrators in the profession of physical education and sports. By improving our academic programmes and services to the University and local community, we pledge to continually strive for academic excellence and to maintain our leadership role in our profession.


  1. To produce quality physical education teachers for imparting instructions in the subject of physical education.
  2. To make people aware about the benefits of physical activity through extension lectures and demonstrations.
  3. To provide excellent research and teaching in Physical Education in order to promote and develop the health and well being of people.
  4. To promote health through specific physical activities, prescribed by a specialized physical educationalist.
  5. To collaborate with the different organizations which are involved in promoting the quality life of the human beings i.e., educational institutions and NGOs.
  6. To provide harmonious and stimulated academic environment for the promotion of quality teaching and research in the department.
  7. To provide opportunity to faculty and students of the department for their self evaluations, accountability, autonomy and innovations in the area of physical education and sports.
  8. To concentrate on quality research in the area of health, physical education and sports.
  9. To introduce consultancy and training programmes for different educational institutions and other organizations for the conduct of sports and fitness events.
  10. To update the curriculum and syllabi as per global needs and challenges.

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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